Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Tonight is my last Bollywood class. No, the classes aren't over or anything. I've just run out of classes. I only signed up for a 4 class package, because I wasn't sure if I would like it enough to do more than that and I didn't really have $100 to blow. I have mixed feelings on this whole Bollywood class. On one hand, I like it because it's different. I love, love, love, to try new things. And my college roommate Tina and I used to watch Hindi movies together freshmen year. So maybe I am doing this to remind me of those good times. And the songs have been fun, and I want to rent one soon. Not sure if anyone knows wheres abouts in the Denver-ish areas I can do that?

But I don't like the instructor. I used to dance but haven't in awhile. I guess I expected her to be more patient. But I feel like once you're on her good side, you stay there. And I haven't put in the effort to do so. So, I won't miss that part of Bollywood class. But I'll miss the music. At least there's always the website, and maybe I will go back and do more classes.

What should I try next?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

