Saturday, October 11, 2008


Last night was soo much fun at the GABF. I went with K, M, Josh and his roommate, and Jake. Even though we only had one ounce of beer per tasting, it was really fun to try different things. Like, a chili beer--and it really did taste like chili. Then, there was the infamous Utopia beer from Sam Adams. Apparently it's 16% alcohol. It tasted and smelled like whisky to me. I was scared of it, but K told me that it's like $120 a bottle, so I'm glad I got to try it. I guess they only have the Utopia once a day, so I'm glad we got it at our session. Another highlight was the Brooklyn Brewery's Local 1 lager and the Grand Cru beer. I liked those, and it was nice to talk to the NY brewers. I was a fan of Avery Brewery's 15th Anniversary Pale Ale, and of New Beligum's Eric Ale, which M thought tasted like sour apple.

I think if anything, this beer filled weekend has taught me that beer isn't boring, and that I don't have to be a beer snob to appreciate it. I volunteered today doing safety and wristbanding people--it was ok. Drunk people think it's really fun to come up to the safety people in bright yellow shirts and take pictures with them, but I can't judge them because I know last night I had my own fun. They had a silent disco there, where you put on these huge headphones and dance to the music. It was so much fun! I still have to work basically 8-4 tomorrow doing tear down, but the reward is two fold. Not only did I earn a bunch of comp tickets for this year, I got a t-shirt, free tasting cup, free program, and am invited to a exclusive volunteer party for the tear down crew only next weekend at the Falling Rock where we will get even more beer related swag. Should be good times.

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