Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stupid Things I do

It's been awhile since I've posted about all the stupid stuff I do, so here's a new list for your pure entertainment.

1. The other day I totally got off at the wrong bus stop. I walked all the way to the other side of the parking lot before I realized my car wasn't there.

{Side note: This must run in the family, because two weekends ago, my mom went to Kohl's. She went outside to get in her car, but it wasn't there. She came back into the store, telling the clerk she needed to dial 911 because someone must have stolen her car, when the clerk said, "Didn't you enter on the other side of the store?" Sure enough, her car was there, right where she left it.}

2. Emailing without thinking. Since I didn't call Alex, I thought, oh, I'll be all cute and coy, and e-mail him, after all, he did give me his business card. So I emailed him from my work e-mail, because I was worried if I used my personal e-mail that it would go to his junk folder. Well, that was a big mistake, because I neglected to ERASE MY EMAIL SIGNATURE which of course has my work phone number, as well as my work address. Alex called me before he left work for the day and said, "Oh yea I saw on your email that you work really close to me. Sometime I'd like to see your office." *cringe* I can't believe I didn't think to delete my email signature. So so stupid. So much for being coy. Now he knows where I work. FML.

3. Months ago I read about Pioneer Woman's shiny hair, and learned that she uses vinegar to achieve such shine. I thought to myself, I need to try that. I read her instructions, but glossed over the fact that she added essential oil to hers. Meh, I don't have that, and I am too lazy and cheap to buy lavender oil, I'll just use it straight. Um, bad idea. Even though I washed my hair twice, my hair smelled like rotten eggs for the rest of the week. Next time, I am totally following instructions.

4. Tweeting inappropriate things. I manage our Twitter at work, and so we get handfuls of new followers everyday. Of course I just copy and paste their twitter name, and then tweet saying "welcome...." Well, today I did what I always do, copied and pasted. When I checked to see if anyone had replied to us, I got a nasty tweet saying "Hey there - are you reading what you are forwarding? One has nothing to do with fine art. You welcomed low life." Turns out one of our new "followers" was Makenzie Dixon (esopussyeater2). Um, oops?

5. When I went shopping at Kohl's a few weeks ago, before I hit the check out line, I saw jewelry. I checked out some really ugly looking earrings, and then I saw an entire wall of rings. I looked around, and then silently tried on a cubic zirconium. And.it.got.stuck! I silently freaked out. Not only because I put it on my ring finger, but because I didn't want it there. It was way too much. Thank god I just kept twisting, and it finally came off. Whew. Crisis averted.

Have you done anything stupid lately?


Anonymous said...

I ALWAYS get rings stuck on my fingers!! Annoying and embarassing as hell.

My mom always forgets where she parks her car too, we've spent almost a half hour walking around the parking lot looking for it...

Andhari said...

I'm with you on inappropriate twitter, sometime a girl just can censor her thoughts is all I say :P

Wonderful said...

Taylor- I'm so glad my mom isn't the only one that does that. I would've been so embarrassed if I was with her that day.

Andi- I totally agree :)

Christina Fabiano™ said...

Ha! Your mum and my mum sound the same... though I've been known to need to recruit a mall security vehicle to drive me around to search for my car at Christmas. All black Trailblazers look the same.

Anonymous said...

ayiyi re: the lavendar oil and alex!


Wonderful said...

Tina- Haha, I am so glad I'm not the only one who has a mom that does that!

M- Yeah...I know....

Erin said...

I found you on 20 Something Bloggers and am loving your blog so far! I do stupid, really embarrassing things alllll the time!