Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011: Bring on the fun!

I don't do new year's resolutions because I think they are all a load of crap. Personally, for me, if I want to achieve or accomplish something, I call it a goal.

That being said, a few of my "goals" for the year include:
  • Gettin' crafty. 
  • Watching what I spend (i.e., trying to eat more at home and not waste food)
  • Have fun!
I'm already off to a great start!

During the summer last year I had to attend a conference for work. Well, one of my sessions was canceled, so I walked to a B&N, and grabbed some magazines, one of which was Real Simple. I saw the coolest idea for organizing your jewelry. It was called a jewelry board. Ever since the summer, I've wanted to make one, and one the first day of the new year, I did just that.


So pretty!

I'm really proud of how this turned out. My next project that I want to do is create a scrapbook. I'm still unsure if I want to do one devoted to my trip to China or one of college memories. It's a toss up, but I'm looking forward to it!

Speaking of having fun, I attended my first ever painting and wine class this week and had SO.MUCH.FUN. Seriously, I can't wait to go back. Here's my interpretation of a dandelion:

The first week of the year has certainly been off to a great start...happy new year!!


Kez said...

I love your crafty creativity! Pretty jewellery by the way!
You remind me of all the photographic projects I wanted to create but never got round to. I don't have any excuse (except for perhaps a bit of money) right now as I'm not at work so I think you've inspired me to get the hell on with it!

Anonymous said...

Oooh I love crafty stuff! Sounds like a great new years goal :) Haha

Anonymous said...

I love the dandelion painting!!!

Wonderful said...

Kez- Thanks! You should post whenever you get around to your craft projects! I'd love to see them!

Taylor- Yeah, it should be fun!

Ari- Thanks!! I'm really excited about it!